Corporation - Description - 2015-03-18 06:00:57 - Live Ticker



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 ElitistOps was formed by the Archangles to be their elite hit squad. They use the most up-to-date Angle Cartel ship designs and always know when to strike true. They are bright eyed bushy tailed little fellows with a fighter pilot attitude. ElitistOps was formed by the Archangles to be their elite hit squad. They use the most up-to-date Angle Cartel ship designs and always know when to strike true. They are bright eyed bushy tailed little fellows with a fighter pilot attitude.
 Duty. Honoure. Courage. Gloury. Duty. Honoure. Courage. Gloury.
 This Is Our Credo. This is ISRAD. This Is Our Credo. This is ISRAD.
 [OOC] [OOC]
 We are only honroable pilots so if you are dishonorable do not apply! We are only honroable pilots so if you are dishonorable do not apply!
 We are Not Red Don't Shoot (NRDS) in low/null sec. We are Not Red Don't Shoot (NRDS) in low/null sec.
 Public Channel: The_Pwn_Zone Public Channel: The_Pwn_Zone
-English/Russian Diplomat: marshmallow madness 
 Currently searching for able German and Finnish diplomats, enquire within Currently searching for able German and Finnish diplomats, enquire within
 Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016!
 <penifSMASH> its technically super saiyajin <penifSMASH> its technically super saiyajin

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Resources 2015-03-18 06:00:57 Corporation Description
Alliance Pandemic Legion Member 2321
Corporation ElitistOps Member 165
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