Corporation - Description - 2009-05-26 14:13:16 - Live Ticker



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 EBOD - Now with 51% more sombrero! EBOD - Now with 51% more sombrero!
 EVE'S BROTHERS OF DESTINY is a solid corporation based in Great Wildlands. We're looking for characters of all professions with at least 3 months experience. EVE'S BROTHERS OF DESTINY is a solid corporation based in Great Wildlands. We're looking for characters of all professions with at least 3 months experience.
 (Oh yeah....Pirates and characters with questionable past employment need not apply) (Oh yeah....Pirates and characters with questionable past employment need not apply)
 Very effective Mining / Logistics operations in place for you to get all the rarest and valuable minerals to be had in EVE. Very effective Mining / Logistics operations in place for you to get all the rarest and valuable minerals to be had in EVE.
 Strong R&D dept. to keep ships and supplies running smooth and guns blazing as cheap as possible. Strong R&D dept. to keep ships and supplies running smooth and guns blazing as cheap as possible.
 Kraknal, our former CEO, also looks killer in a sombrero. Join and see for yourself! Kraknal, our former CEO, also looks killer in a sombrero. Join and see for yourself!
 Apply @ Hek IV -Krusual tribe Bureau, Stetile VII – moon 1 – X-Sense Chem Factory, or Teonusude IV – moon 8 – The Leisure Group Dev Studio.  Apply @ Hek IV -Krusual tribe Bureau, Stetile VII – moon 1 – X-Sense Chem Factory, or Teonusude IV – moon 8 – The Leisure Group Dev Studio.
-For more information contact: Kraknall, Spaeron Brautis, Ryoko Kisaragi or Darcus Sr. for details. +For more information contact: Spaeron Brautis, Ryoko Kisaragi or Darcus Sr. for details.

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Resources 2009-05-26 14:13:16 Corporation Description
Corporation Eve's Brothers of Destiny Member 10
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