Corporation - Description - 2009-05-26 14:52:32 - Live Ticker



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-Hibernian Ascendancy consists of fun, but determined, individuals helping each other toward long term goals. Hibernian members determine their own careers and earn certifications in those areas to maximize efficiency with corp assets. Sound boring? Gallenteans can be that way sometimes. That is why we encourage other races to join in. There is nothing like watching a Caldari and a Minmatar in a boxing match turned drinking contest. +Hibernian Ascendancy consists of fun, but determined, individuals helping each other toward long term goals. Hibernian members encouraged to pursue thier own goals and help fellow corpmates when they can. Sound boring? Gallenteans can be that way sometimes. That is why we encourage other races to join in. There is nothing like watching a Caldari and a Minmatar in a boxing match turned drinking contest.
 Sound like too much? Join the B-B-Q and sign up! Sound like too much? Join the B-B-Q and sign up!
 Submit your application to the home office in Tarta. Submit your application to the home office in Tarta.

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Resources 2009-05-26 14:52:32 Corporation Description
Alliance Coalition of Free Stars Member 0
Corporation Hibernian Ascendancy Member 6
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