Corporation - Description - 2015-04-28 09:16:06 - Live Ticker



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 =^.^= M.MS =^.^= =^.^= M.MS =^.^=
 We melt in your mouth not in your hand. We melt in your mouth not in your hand.
 Recruitment now open: Recruitment now open:
 Going to make eve a better place one system at a time. Play together, Fly together, and Die together!! Going to make eve a better place one system at a time. Play together, Fly together, and Die together!!
 Malfunctioning Misfit's Malfunctioning Misfit's
 Our Strategy: Our Strategy:
 Your only as strong as your weakest member. That's what we believe at M.MS and therefore we strive to increase the strength of our members. Your only as strong as your weakest member. That's what we believe at M.MS and therefore we strive to increase the strength of our members.
 Our strategy is to increase the wealth of all members which will lead to corporation prowess. We are concerned with meeting the needs of not only our members but also that of our alliance. Our strategy is to increase the wealth of all members which will lead to corporation prowess. We are concerned with meeting the needs of not only our members but also that of our alliance.
 Our Values: Our Values:
 We value the following above all else: We value the following above all else:
ʉۢ Respectʉۢ Respect
ʉۢ Honestyʉۢ Honesty
ʉۢ Reliabilityʉۢ Reliability
ʉۢ Self-sufficiencyʉۢ Self-sufficiency
 Current Situation: Current Situation:
-Currently we reside in High Sec space for Pvp, exploring, and plan old laughs to make our isk for corp members along with corp incursions in high-sec to funded the Pvp life style. We Pvp in Low Sec currently. +Currently we reside in High Sec space for Pve, exploring, and plan old laughs to make our isk for corp members along with corp incursions in high-sec to funded the Pvp life style. We Pvp in Low Sec currently.
 What we have to offer: What we have to offer:
ʉۢ Incursions, Plexing, Missionsʉۢ Incursions, Plexing, Missions
ʉۢ Active & Experienced Leadershipʉۢ Active & Experienced Leadership
ʉۢ Casual, mature atmosphereʉۢ Casual, mature atmosphere
ʉۢ Low sec and 0.0 jump serviceʉۢ Low sec and 0.0 jump service
ʉۢ Pvp orientated in Low Sec space.ʉۢ Pvp orientated in Low Sec space.
 What we are looking for: What we are looking for:
ʉۢ Pilots with a will to learnʉۢ Pilots with a will to learn
ʉۢ Team work orientatedʉۢ Team work orientated
ʉۢ Teamspeak & Microphoneʉۢ Teamspeak & Microphone
ʉۢ Pvp pilotsʉۢ Pvp pilots
ʉۢ All time zonesʉۢ All time zones
 If you have intrest, come join the fun of Low Sec lol Pvp feel free to join chat channel: Dirt'a South Public If you have intrest, come join the fun of Low Sec lol Pvp feel free to join chat channel: Dirt'a South Public
 M.MS Representatives: A-Dirty Hippie and JimSkyleder  M.MS Representatives: A-Dirty Hippie and JimSkyleder

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Resources 2015-04-28 09:16:06 Corporation Description
Corporation Malfunctioning Misfit's Member 3
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