Corporation - Description - 2009-06-16 15:03:47 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Creep Fleet Inc. is a recently formed organization looking to create a fun, close knit group of freinds for group mission running, ratting and small, specialized pvp gangs into low/null sec regions.+Creep Fleet is a no bullshit PvP/PvE Corp. Currently looking more members to blow shit up with. UK/US timezones.
 +Prefered Order of buisness...
-?Active Players Only+?Anything Else
-?Hi/Low Sec Offices. Based in Lowsec. 
-?Access to 0.0 
-?UK/US/European Timezone 14:00 - Late 
-?Ship Replacement Program 
 +Who we need...
----= REQUIREMENTS =---+?Bad Asses
 +?Omgwtf pwn'ers
 +?With a wicked sense of humor.
-?Sense of humour a must! 
-?PvP experiance prefered or willingness to learn essential.+Talk to Raithius, Llauron or Malus Blackmane for an interview, or join Creep Fleet Public channel for a chat.
-?10Mil SP Requirement. 
-?Willingness to use Voice. 
-?T2 capeable prefered. 
----= Creep Fleets Current Needs =--- 
-?Confident Scouts, EWAR, BS pilots needed. 
-?FC Positions Available 
-?Active UK/US/European Players 
-?Mission Runners 
-?Miners (PvP Hulks Prefered lol) 
-?Dedicated WH Explorers. 
-Long Term Objectives: 
-?To own, defend and have a substantial foothold in and around a low/null sec region. 
-?To be self-sufficent with an active corp channel of 40 pilots.+Join now bitches!!!
-?To be constantly active in all forms of combat in target areas. 
-Convo or mail Raithius, Llauron, Malus Blackmane or join Creep Fleet Public channel for joining instructions. 

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Resources 2009-06-16 15:03:47 Corporation Description
Corporation Creep Fleet Inc Member 4
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