Corporation - Description - 2009-06-23 14:48:04 - Live Ticker



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-The Steel Vanguard. +Name: The Steel Vanguard
 +Location: Nibainkier / High Sec
 +Contents: Mildly inebriated British folk.
 +Interests: Regular fleet missioning/mining ops, tea.
-We are a group of Highly trained Space Marines, hand picked by the Emperor himself for service far beyond the edges of the Universe.+We are a group of British Gamers who have joined together to Mission and mine together, we are currently looking for anyone who thinks they can fit into a slightly crazy, stupidly fun bunch of mental Englishmen :D.
-While serving our Emperor we have been cut off from contact with the Imperium for some time, we have started to diversify our skills and are now quite adept at Mining and Mission activities.+We Have Access to:
 +Level 4 Mission runs,
 +Mining Ops (Weekly)
-We are a highly trained group, and are not looking for external help at this time. Invite Only.+Veteran and New players alike
 +Some 0.0 Access and Wormholes (Alliance)
 +British Humour
 +Teamspeak Server/Channel
 +We are currently just having fun playing Eve, if you want to join in with that fun, drop us a line. Either Contact our recruitment officer, Rakushi Tamn, or head on over to Nibainkier VII - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant station and drop us an Application. No Trial accounts please.

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Resources 2009-06-23 14:48:04 Corporation Description
Alliance Red Dragon Industries Member 0
Corporation Steel Vanguard Member 5
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