Corporation - Description - 2009-06-26 14:41:23 - Live Ticker



Old New
 We are a group of people who like the challenges of Eve be they big or small. We will meet them all and have some fun along the way.  We are a group of people who like the challenges of Eve be they big or small. We will meet them all and have some fun along the way.
 Our corp motto: "Madness is not an option, it's a requirement!!" Our corp motto: "Madness is not an option, it's a requirement!!"
 Proud member of the MaD Family. Proud member of the MaD Family.
 For Recruitment contact Klintguard or Raster Fain For Recruitment contact Klintguard or Raster Fain
-For Diplomacy contact Ooyama +For Diplomacy contact Westchester or Ooyama

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Resources 2009-06-26 14:41:23 Corporation Description
Alliance Motivated and Determined Member 0
Corporation Rastana CMP Member 0
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