Corporation - Description - 2009-06-29 15:02:23 - Live Ticker



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 a corp recruiting new members and always recruiting hoping that people around the universe can get the big taste of fun. we will are in a good alliance small at moment small but it is a very friendly alliance but some people are a bit low in standings. the operations this corp does are:pvp,(figgate to battle cruiser) missions,worm hole exploration and lastly mining. a corp recruiting new members and always recruiting hoping that people around the universe can get the big taste of fun. we will are in a good alliance small at moment small but it is a very friendly alliance but some people are a bit low in standings. the operations this corp does are:pvp,(figgate to battle cruiser) missions,worm hole exploration and lastly mining.
- recruitment status:open +recruitment status:open
- ask for recruitment:chenshar 
 +ask for recruitment:chenshar

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Resources 2009-06-29 15:02:23 Corporation Description
Alliance CaLiARr Alliance Member 0
Corporation PASIVEERS ACEDEMY Member 0
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