Corporation - Description - 2015-05-22 09:31:46 - Live Ticker



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 We are Kevlar. We absorb your blows and come back for more.  We are Kevlar. We absorb your blows and come back for more.
 Meatshields are the feeder corp for The Bastards, one of the oldest and best known pirate corps out there. Meatshields are the feeder corp for The Bastards, one of the oldest and best known pirate corps out there.
 Meatshields specialise in the all the dirty jobs that no-one wants: flying frigates and tackling targets on low-sec gates; swarming in frigates and 'bum-rushing' into known traps to spring them; acting as bait and throwing themselves forward into danger and death time and time again. Meatshields specialise in the all the dirty jobs that no-one wants: flying frigates and tackling targets on low-sec gates; swarming in frigates and 'bum-rushing' into known traps to spring them; acting as bait and throwing themselves forward into danger and death time and time again.
 It is a tough job but you have to learn somewhere. It is a tough job but you have to learn somewhere.
 Public In-game channel is DBastards. Public In-game channel is DBastards.
 +If you're interested in joining, visit our forums, read up and apply.

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Resources 2015-05-22 09:31:46 Corporation Description
Alliance The Bastards. Member 0
Corporation Meatshield Bastards Member 1
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