Corporation - Description - 2015-05-23 08:02:05 - Live Ticker



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 Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone.
 Im Sneaky Mabebu, im in charge for recruitment of Asturian industries for now. Im Sneaky Mabebu, im in charge for recruitment of Asturian industries for now.
 Im sending you this mail, cause we have a lot of space in our corp, and we will be happy if you guys join us, to explore the game with us. We need you to have more players online at a given time - its impossible to participate in some in-game activities safely without more people online (faction warfare, sansha invasions, wormhole studies and so on). Im sending you this mail, cause we have a lot of space in our corp, and we will be happy if you guys join us, to explore the game with us. We need you to have more players online at a given time - its impossible to participate in some in-game activities safely without more people online (faction warfare, sansha invasions, wormhole studies and so on).
 In our corp we are doing mostly pve stuff, trade activities, industry and mining, and anything else, if you want. In our corp we are doing mostly pve stuff, trade activities, industry and mining, and anything else, if you want.
 We provide newcommers with: We provide newcommers with:
 - 1% tax (your default is 10%); - 1% tax (your default is 10%);
 - guidance in your game activities; - guidance in your game activities;
 - some pve, if you would like to try higher rank missions; - some pve, if you would like to try higher rank missions;
 - some pvp, with our alliance mates; - some pvp, with our alliance mates;
 - friendly community; - friendly community;
 - freedom to make any activity you like; - freedom to make any activity you like;
 - some other good stuff:) - some other good stuff:)
 If you are not interested for now, feel free to join us whenever you like later - send application to join, or contact me, Sneaky Mabebu, or Marin Asturian directly. If you are not interested for now, feel free to join us whenever you like later - send application to join, or contact me, Sneaky Mabebu, or Marin Asturian directly.
 If you are interested to join, you can also join our recruitment channel A51ND Recruitment and ask any questions about corp. If you are interested to join, you can also join our recruitment channel A51ND Recruitment and ask any questions about corp.
 Ð ÑƒÑÑÐºÐ¾Ð³Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÑÑ‰Ð¸Ðµ тоже приветствуются, народ, мне хочется чтобы в корпе было больше людей, которые могут летать в разное время Ð ÑƒÑÑÐºÐ¾Ð³Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÑÑ‰Ð¸Ðµ тоже приветствуются, народ, мне хочется чтобы в корпе было больше людей, которые могут летать в разное время
 í•œêµ­ìœ ì €ë¶„들 환영합니다. 저희 콥에서 이브비행사를 모집하고 있으니 많은 관심 부탁드리며, 즐거운 í•­í•´ê°€ 되길 바라겠습니다. í•œêµ­ìœ ì €ë¶„들 환영합니다. 저희 콥에서 이브비행사를 모집하고 있으니 많은 관심 부탁드리며, 즐거운 í•­í•´ê°€ 되길 바라겠습니다.
 +Quelque soit votre niveau, rejoignez dans une ambiance amicale une corporation essentiellement orientée pve, commerce, industrie et minage tout en restant libres de pratiquer vos activités favorites.
 +N'hésitez pas à poser toutes vos questions sur le canal de recrutement.

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Resources 2015-05-23 08:02:05 Corporation Description
Corporation Asturian Industries Member 5
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