Corporation - Description - 2009-07-07 14:46:46 - Live Ticker



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 Mining, mission running, building some pvping and just having fun so join in and enjoy we aim to help our members develop thier skills and will aid in your training whether you want to be a miner or a soldier or a little of both we have no qualms as to how long you have been playing either young or old all are welcome to join us NO TRIAL ACCOUNTS!. Minimum skill points 15,000,000 to join.  Mining, mission running, building some pvping and just having fun so join in and enjoy we aim to help our members develop thier skills and will aid in your training whether you want to be a miner or a soldier or a little of both we have no qualms as to how long you have been playing either young or old all are welcome to join us NO TRIAL ACCOUNTS!. Minimum skill points 15,000,000 to join.
 We are a friendly corp who enjoys getting together for mission running and mining ops we a have our own ventrilo server and enjoy joking and luaghing with one another.We do have a small tax rate but this is for your benefit to buy and supply ammo, weapons, ship fittings and skill training books for you to advance in the game. We ask all our members to contribute your time and efforts into helping each other in developing and honning your skills with practice sessions from time to time. As a corp you will find we have time for all your needs and will listen to what you have to say. We are a friendly corp who enjoys getting together for mission running and mining ops we a have our own ventrilo server and enjoy joking and luaghing with one another.We do have a small tax rate but this is for your benefit to buy and supply ammo, weapons, ship fittings and skill training books for you to advance in the game. We ask all our members to contribute your time and efforts into helping each other in developing and honning your skills with practice sessions from time to time. As a corp you will find we have time for all your needs and will listen to what you have to say.
-We must impress that when you join you must have a microphone and or head set so we can communicate with one another trail accounts are welcome here as we hope you will enjoy what you see and pay and stay. We do have 0.0 mining access and will be pvping and mining in this space so feel free to join us. NOT ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS RIGHT NOW! +We must impress that when you join you must have a microphone and or head set so we can communicate with one another trail accounts are welcome here as we hope you will enjoy what you see and pay and stay. We do have 0.0 mining access and will be pvping and mining in this space so feel free to join us. Our corp diplomat is The420shadow ... Any quieries to him please thanks!

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Resources 2009-07-07 14:46:46 Corporation Description
Alliance Nexus-Alliance Member 0
Corporation Monsters inc mining and industrial corp Member 10
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