Corporation - Description - 2015-06-13 08:17:48 - Live Ticker



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 Lose your ship? Lose your ship?
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 Contact Goldman Langly Legal! Contact Goldman Langly Legal!
 Goldman Langly Legal specalizies in getting YOU the money you deserve from your accident! Goldman Langly Legal specalizies in getting YOU the money you deserve from your accident!
 Our team of attorneys and pilots will gladly assist you in any claim of law against another pilot. We get results! Just ask our clients! Our team of attorneys and pilots will gladly assist you in any claim of law against another pilot. We get results! Just ask our clients!
 "I kept losing ships and it was killing me - litteraly. I kept losing all my isk and things looked bad. Goldman Langly Legal got me the financial settelment I needed to replace my orca and keep flying"  "I kept losing ships and it was killing me - litteraly. I kept losing all my isk and things looked bad. Goldman Langly Legal got me the financial settelment I needed to replace my orca and keep flying"
 - Horner Langly - Horner Langly
 "I was getting attaked, and the court process was confusing. Goldman Langly Legal got me the extra-judicial solution I needed. Those guys won't be bothering me anymore." "I was getting attaked, and the court process was confusing. Goldman Langly Legal got me the extra-judicial solution I needed. Those guys won't be bothering me anymore."
 - Michael Goldman - Michael Goldman
 Don't Believe us? Give us a try - we can prosecute your injury claim for a extremely competitive rate! Don't Believe us? Give us a try - we can prosecute your injury claim for a extremely competitive rate!
-Goldman legal makes no claims to offer legal services in return for money. +Goldman Langly Legal makes no claims to offer legal services in return for money.

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