Corporation - Description - 2015-07-06 12:49:33 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +(Experienced AND New Players (+trial accounts) welcome!)
 +Current Activities:
 +*Mission Running
--New Player-Friendly (plus trial accounts)+*Manufacturing
-We currently enjoy: 
-Exploration, Mission Running, Mining, Manufacturing, Research, Trading, In-depth conversations, real-world travel recommendations, jokes, and general good chats with friendly and polite people. +**PLUS having In-depth conversations, travel recommendations, jokes, and general good chats with other friendly and polite members of our corporation.
 In the future....We look forward to: In the future....We look forward to:
 +*Alliance Warfare
 +*Bounty Hunting
-Incursion, Alliance Warfare, Bounty Hunting, Factional Warfare, and Small-Scale Gangs. +*Factional Warfare
 +*Small-Scale Gangs
 +Current objectives:
 +*Increase membership,
 +*Team-Based Operations (mining, missions, see above)
-Current objectives: Increase membership, train and equip new players, prepare team for low and null sec, and move in with our friends to enjoy the riches (ISK) that Null sec has to offer.+*Train, equip, and prepare members for the isk riches that lay with our friends in 0.0 sec! :)
-fOlLoW tHe wHiTe rAbBiT................... +fOlLoW tHe wHiTe rAbBiT........
- (\(\ 
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  o_(")(")  o_(")(")
 CEO: Commander Destiny CEO: Commander Destiny
 Director: Zion Zanzibar Director: Zion Zanzibar
-RIP Zyvar +RIP Zyvar 2015

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Resources 2015-07-06 12:49:33 Corporation Description
Corporation White Rabbit Ore Member 39
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