Corporation - Description - 2009-08-04 15:22:50 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Pasiveers Acedemy is a corp recruiting new members and always hoping to showpeople around the universe a big taste of fun. we are in a good alliance that is small at moment, small yet it is a very friendly alliance always willing to help out. This Corp does pvp (Frigates To Battlecruisers) Missions, Wormhole exploration and lastly mining. Pasiveers Acedemy is a corp recruiting new members and always hoping to showpeople around the universe a big taste of fun. we are in a good alliance that is small at moment, small yet it is a very friendly alliance always willing to help out. This Corp does pvp (Frigates To Battlecruisers) Missions, Wormhole exploration and lastly mining.
 We Are Currently Recruiting, Apply now! We Are Currently Recruiting, Apply now!
 no recruitment skill points recriurments no recruitment skill points recriurments
 recruitment status: open ask for recruitment:chenshar recruitment status: open ask for recruitment:chenshar
 or just join: acedemy's local pub or just join: acedemy's local pub
 +(are friends of CVA)

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Resources 2009-08-04 15:22:50 Corporation Description
Alliance The Security Council Member 0
Corporation PASIVEERS ACEDEMY Member 0
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