Corporation - Description - 2009-08-05 14:54:03 - Live Ticker



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 Preta Light Industries Mission Statement Preta Light Industries Mission Statement
-Preta Light Industries came together as an Angel Cartel humanitarian venture. As much as the idea sounds controversial to many, especially to Federation and Republic sceptics, there is no denying the recent humanitarian side to the Angel Cartel after the Skarkon Incident where the Angel Cartel offered peace and stability where there was none. +Preta Light Industries came together as an Angel Cartel humanitarian venture. As much as the idea sounds controversial to many, especially to Federation and Republic skeptics, there is no denying the recent humanitarian side to the Angel Cartel after the Skarkon Incident where the Angel Cartel offered peace and stability where there was none.
 There are many disenfranchised people in the universe, many unjustly driven to desperation and poverty. We offer you a second chance to make a future for yourselves. We employ medical staff, industrialists, miners, scientists, and explorers, to name just a few. We aim to form a society for the disenfranchised, where they can once again feel they are a part of society – part of a greater Family. This offer is for everyone and anyone wanting to take part in this venture of building a better future for themselves. We provide accomodation for your family and education for your children. There are many disenfranchised people in the universe, many unjustly driven to desperation and poverty. We offer you a second chance to make a future for yourselves. We employ medical staff, industrialists, miners, scientists, and explorers, to name just a few. We aim to form a society for the disenfranchised, where they can once again feel they are a part of society – part of a greater Family. This offer is for everyone and anyone wanting to take part in this venture of building a better future for themselves. We provide accomodation for your family and education for your children.
 "From your Curse we built Heaven for ourselves..." "From your Curse we built Heaven for ourselves..."
 Preta Light Industries is a light RP corporation with a different take on Industry and Exploration. We offer the experience of flying alongside the infamous Angel Cartel and its associates. Preta Light Industries is a light RP corporation with a different take on Industry and Exploration. We offer the experience of flying alongside the infamous Angel Cartel and its associates.
 Public Channels: Public Channels:
 Preli Public for OOC interaction Preli Public for OOC interaction
 PRETA OOC for OOC interaction with our associates PRETA OOC for OOC interaction with our associates
 The Skyhook for IC interaction The Skyhook for IC interaction
 Visit our website for more information. Visit our website for more information.
 Come and be a part of the Family Come and be a part of the Family

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Resources 2009-08-05 14:54:03 Corporation Description
Corporation Preta Light Industries Member 5
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