Corporation - Description - 2009-08-10 15:23:07 - Live Ticker



Old New
-in GW we are NRDS  
-Mercenary / PVP  
-For Contracts Convo 
-CEO - Storm Goddess 
 Lead Diplomat - Dyvim Slorm Lead Diplomat - Dyvim Slorm
-+Acting Diplomat - Aetes
 The Stormy Oath The Stormy Oath
 When the call goes out my lads and lasses, When the call goes out my lads and lasses,
 bless your guns and say goodbye. bless your guns and say goodbye.
 Put aside your childish whimsies, Put aside your childish whimsies,
 it's not your place to question why. it's not your place to question why.
 You took the oath before our lady: You took the oath before our lady:
 you pledged your arm to her at need. you pledged your arm to her at need.
 Would you be shamed before your brethren, Would you be shamed before your brethren,
 or join them in thier warriors deed? or join them in thier warriors deed?
 Ignore the lamentations of your kinfolk, Ignore the lamentations of your kinfolk,
 set a fine example for your son. set a fine example for your son.
 Prove to the barbarians all and sundry, Prove to the barbarians all and sundry,
 that when she calls, her will be done!! that when she calls, her will be done!!

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Resources 2009-08-10 15:23:07 Corporation Description
Alliance Gentlemen's Club Member 0
Corporation Relentless Storm Cartel Member 3
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