Corporation - Description - 2015-08-26 09:15:00 - Live Ticker



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-We are currently recruiting. Please no trial accounts. We are a group of mature, team oriented, and corp dedicated players, who are looking to expand our group of friends. We have fleet mining ops. several times a week and offer an ore buying program for solo miners. If you are interested or have any questions, please join the BYMC channel or apply now with a detailed message stating why you want to join. All applications will be individually and carefully taken into consideration. +We are currently recruiting. Trial accounts may be accepted under certain circumstances. We are a group of mature, team oriented, and corp. dedicated players, who are looking to expand our group of friends. We have fleet mining ops. several times a week and offer ships and isk for participation. If you are interested or have any questions, please join the BYMC channel or apply now with a detailed message stating why you want to join. All applications will be individually and carefully taken into consideration. Please include API key and Verification code with your application message.

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Resources 2015-08-26 09:15:00 Corporation Description
Corporation Backyard Mining Co. Member 28
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
API J:28 Mar 00:50 K:28 Mar 00:55 C:28 Mar 01:29 A:28 Mar 01:18 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:28 Mar 01:28 S:28 Mar 00:51 W:28 Mar 01:15