Corporation - Description - 2015-08-27 09:33:36 - Live Ticker



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 The Ninth Circle is a Gallente Militia Factional Warfare corporation. It is founded on the principle of individual exceptionalism and the desire to work with likeminded pilots to grow and prosper in the harsh environment of New Eden. The Ninth Circle is a Gallente Militia Factional Warfare corporation. It is founded on the principle of individual exceptionalism and the desire to work with likeminded pilots to grow and prosper in the harsh environment of New Eden.
 The Ninth Circle regularly hosts the Virette Vanguard Fleet. This is a small ship wolf pack style PVP fleet open to all members of the militia regardless of corporation, alliance, style, skill, or prowess. Join in and participate in the eradication of the vile Caldari Horde. The Ninth Circle regularly hosts the Virette Vanguard Fleet. This is a small ship wolf pack style PVP fleet open to all members of the militia regardless of corporation, alliance, style, skill, or prowess. Join in and participate in the eradication of the vile Caldari Horde.
 +Public Channel: NiceCir

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Resources 2015-08-27 09:33:36 Corporation Description
Corporation The Ninth Circle Member 5
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