Corporation - Description - 2009-08-21 15:32:05 - Live Ticker



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 [FU] Corp. is recruiting!  [FU] Corp. is recruiting!
 - Mining - Mining
 - Missioning - Missioning
 - Growing together and becoming a family - Growing together and becoming a family
 We also seek to help out new players get an understanding of the game. We also seek to help out new players get an understanding of the game.
 We look for: We look for:
 - Mature people - Mature people
 - People who can contribute to the corporation in a positive way. - People who can contribute to the corporation in a positive way.
 Send us an application! We have no minimum SP requirement, and new players are welcome! Send us an application! We have no minimum SP requirement, and new players are welcome!
-Join the "[FU] Public" channel for more information! +Join the "Fates United" channel for more information!

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Resources 2009-08-21 15:32:05 Corporation Description
Corporation Fates United Member 0
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