Corporation - Description - 2009-08-31 15:30:44 - Live Ticker



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 Committed to helping new capsuleers learn the game, how to help/defend the corporation, how to advance through skill training and to explore the far reaches of the game. Committed to helping new capsuleers learn the game, how to help/defend the corporation, how to advance through skill training and to explore the far reaches of the game.
 When you apply to join, please provide the following information: When you apply to join, please provide the following information:
 Account type (traial or Paid) Account type (traial or Paid)
 Age of player: Age of player:
 How long you have played Eve for: How long you have played Eve for:
 Please note that "Trial account" applications will be denied, unless the following can be met: Please note that "Trial account" applications will be denied, unless the following can be met:
 1. Trial members must pay 25,000.00 ISK prior to requesting to join, once paid you will be allowed to join. 1. Trial members must pay 25,000.00 ISK prior to requesting to join, once paid you will be allowed to join.
 Sorry for this, but on serveral occassions players of Eve have joined the Nightstalker Corporation while on a trial account and have never returned to help make the corporation better. Sorry for this, but on serveral occassions players of Eve have joined the Nightstalker Corporation while on a trial account and have never returned to help make the corporation better.
-2. All new members must do one mining operation (any mineral or ore) for the corporation when commencing play each sign on prior to doing other things. Minerals and ores should be deposited in the corporation headquarters hangar. +2. All new members must do one mining operation (any mineral or ore) for the corporation when commencing play each sign on prior to doing other things. Minerals and ores should be deposited in the corporation headquarters hangar.

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Resources 2009-08-31 15:30:44 Corporation Description
Alliance Matari Visionary Coalition Member 0
Corporation Nightstalker Brigade Member 1
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