Corporation - Description - 2009-09-08 14:49:29 - Live Ticker



Old New
 I K Industrials I K Industrials
 Manufacturing / Trade / Exploration / Freighter Service Manufacturing / Trade / Exploration / Freighter Service
 ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
 Active and friendly Corporation seeking new friends:  Active and friendly Corporation seeking new friends:
 Miners, Manufacturers, Traders, Pvp´s and Mission Runners. Miners, Manufacturers, Traders, Pvp´s and Mission Runners.
 We offer: We offer:
 - Friendship / a fun atmosphere - Friendship / a fun atmosphere
 - Mining events / refining service - Mining events / refining service
 - Mission running events / worm-hole space exploration and operations - Mission running events / worm-hole space exploration and operations
 - Shipbuilding for members - Shipbuilding for members
 - Mission help / access to L4 missions - Mission help / access to L4 missions
 - Access to Free Items Hangar - Access to Free Items Hangar
 - I K Industrials is a "Real Life Comes First" Corporation - I K Industrials is a "Real Life Comes First" Corporation
 >> Pilots with negative standing, pirates, griefers, can flippers and others who seek trouble are not welcome, so don’t apply << >> Pilots with negative standing, pirates, griefers, can flippers and others who seek trouble are not welcome, so don’t apply <<
 All languages and time zones are welcome! All languages and time zones are welcome!
-Interested? Contact thyrael, zelldjin or kropacia or join the public channel IKPUB +Interested? Contact thyrael, zelldjin or Tiberus Korath or join the public channel IKPUB

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Resources 2009-09-08 14:49:29 Corporation Description
Corporation I K Industrials Member 0
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