Corporation - Description - 2015-11-01 10:13:49 - Live Ticker



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 + At SeckDeck Industries we are the corporation that can provide the infrastructure, knowledge and teamwork you need to become successful in EVE. We are a corp who is currently in Mining and industry, and looking for dedicated pilots to join us. Just remember you have to start somewhere, whether you are a rookie pilot or a seasoned veteran, we are looking for you...
 +We are a corp that does have a tax rate it is not high but any money that comes in from taxs goes towards getting members equipment that they need.
 +SeckDeck hopes to see you join our ranks and help us reach our goal such as..
-You have to start somewhere.+Getting a pos In our area
-Whether you are a rookie pilot or a seasoned veteran, we are looking for you... dedicated pilots to join us. We are a newly established corporation that can provide the infrastructure, knowledge and teamwork you need to become successful in EVE. 
 +Start mining ops in low sec areas
 +and much more!
 Our Recruitment Channel is as follows  Our Recruitment Channel is as follows
  Sdeck Recruitment   Sdeck Recruitment
 To Join you must schedule an interview on our Discord communications channel..... Details will be given during the recruitment process. To Join you must schedule an interview on our Discord communications channel..... Details will be given during the recruitment process.
-New players and members of the corp will have the chance to get a Venture on a as need bases. Members who want a Retriever will be granted one after getting the needed ore to build. 
-We need everyone to do thier part. Lets grow as a community for our own benifits.+

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Resources 2015-11-01 10:13:49 Corporation Description
Corporation SeckDeck Industires Member 0
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