Corporation - Description - 2009-09-13 15:37:01 - Live Ticker



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 Good Honest Gankers Since 1896 Good Honest Gankers Since 1896
 Things you should know; Things you should know;
 -Smack talk will get you war dec'd -Smack talk will get you war dec'd
 -We honor ransoms -We honor ransoms
 -No job too big or too small -No job too big or too small
 -We think of this as a game so it's never personal -We think of this as a game so it's never personal
 GANKsTERS's inc. 10m sp and above for recruitment GANKsTERS's inc. 10m sp and above for recruitment
 +???? ????? ?
 +???? ????? ?
 +???? ????? ?
 +? ??? ?? ???????
 +? ??? ?? ???????
 +? ??? ?? ??????

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Resources 2009-09-13 15:37:01 Corporation Description
Alliance R.E.P.O. Member 0
Corporation GANKsTers's inc. Member 2
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