Corporation - Description - 2015-11-08 09:26:03 - Live Ticker



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-Retrogressive is a North America Corp Only. +::Retrogressive
-Our alliance is AUS/EU so if you are a night owl or up early there is always something to do.+Retrogressive is relaxed; real life comes first lowsec/nullsec Corp. We are looking to create a Corp that will have a little home in nullsec for grinding isk and a lowsec home in Gallente space where we can run around blowing ships up.
-Retrogressive is relaxed; real life comes first PvP focussed Corp and we are looking for members with similar interests.+::Leadership
-What we offer?+We are run by a council of directors. Each director has equal responsibilities in keeping Retrogressive going. If a council member is inactive or not completing responsibilities they are replaced by a new director.
-The best thing you can offer: other members with similar interests in pure PvP. No StratOps, no bashing structures, what we want in Retrogressive is to hunt, engage other fleets and have fun doing it. +::Membership
-We also offer help in the form of replacing hulls, and full replacement for Logi during Corp Fleets and each month we put T1 Frigates in the Corp Hangar to mess around with.+Upon joining retrogressive there will be a week – two weeks trial membership.
-We are looking for pilots who live in North America, have at least 5 million skill points, own a mic and have TeamSpeak3. +We want to be a very well organized PvP Corp.
-Players who are new to PvP are welcome to join us. We are more happy to answer questions and help you along with your PvP goals.+ - 15mill SP in combat.
 + - TeamSpeak3
 + - Mic.
 If you are interested join our public chat: Retrogressive or contact Stadom. If you are interested join our public chat: Retrogressive or contact Stadom.
 Killboard Killboard

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Resources 2015-11-08 09:26:03 Corporation Description
Alliance Lunch Money Syndicate Member 0
Corporation Retrogressive Member 4
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