Corporation - Description - 2015-11-16 08:08:42 - Live Ticker



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 NousSommesUnis NousSommesUnis
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 When it rains it pours. But it are pixel only - so why should we care? When it rains it pours. But it are pixel only - so why should we care?
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 Ich freu mich fast. Ich freu mich fast.
 And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest ... And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest ...
 +Und als seine Armor bei 1/3 war, sage ich so: "jetzt müssten seine Repper einsetzen ,,,"
 EVE is evil EVE is evil
 EVE is harsh EVE is harsh
 EVE is freedom EVE is freedom
 EVE is not a "game" EVE is not a "game"
 EVE is real EVE is real
 EVE is unforgiving EVE is unforgiving
 EVE is fair EVE is fair
 EVE is beautifull EVE is beautifull
 EVE is the one and only sandbox EVE is the one and only sandbox
 EVE is what u let it be EVE is what u let it be
 EVE is twisting ur brain EVE is twisting ur brain
 EVE is more meta.excel warrioring than ur usual bureau job EVE is more meta.excel warrioring than ur usual bureau job
 EVE is going to delete any other PC-activity from ur conciousness EVE is going to delete any other PC-activity from ur conciousness
 This game is basically a huge war waging capitalist simulator. This game is basically a huge war waging capitalist simulator.
 We dont make mistakes - we have happy accidents We dont make mistakes - we have happy accidents
 Very soon you learn to use all that beautiful things that happen ... Very soon you learn to use all that beautiful things that happen ...
 Everyone wants peace. But to what conditions? This is decided by war. Everyone wants peace. But to what conditions? This is decided by war.
 Some call it gank - We call it tactical superiority! Some call it gank - We call it tactical superiority!
 Life is not fair - why should Eve? Life is not fair - why should Eve?
 People rather like to die than to start thinking. Actually, they are doing it. People rather like to die than to start thinking. Actually, they are doing it.
 Paranoia is my only friend but can I really trust it? Paranoia is my only friend but can I really trust it?
 Being predictable is a safe path to death. Being predictable is a safe path to death.
 Trust is synonym for accepted risk of betrayal. The price for trust is sky-rocketing at Jita these days. Trust is synonym for accepted risk of betrayal. The price for trust is sky-rocketing at Jita these days.
 The global life risk analysis tells me that we are in deep trouble. The global life risk analysis tells me that we are in deep trouble.
 There are five steps to acceptance: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. You could safe a lot of time by getting to acceptance in first place. There are five steps to acceptance: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. You could safe a lot of time by getting to acceptance in first place.
 Everything is intel. Everything is intel.
 Local flaming is like playing chess with chickens - it does not matter what you are playing - your opponent is cackling all the time ... Local flaming is like playing chess with chickens - it does not matter what you are playing - your opponent is cackling all the time ...
 Something good/bad is about to happen ... Something good/bad is about to happen ...
 Behind each ship that fights in Eve is a human being that deserves to be respected as such. We have more in common that divides us. We love this game, we like to laugh when we win and we dont like to loose. Think of it when judging other. Behind each ship that fights in Eve is a human being that deserves to be respected as such. We have more in common that divides us. We love this game, we like to laugh when we win and we dont like to loose. Think of it when judging other.
 Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor. Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor.
 Dont hate the player - hate the game! Dont hate the player - hate the game!

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Resources 2015-11-16 08:08:42 Corporation Description
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