Corporation - Description - 2015-11-27 08:22:06 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +Freight service for all of Providence and surrounding areas
 How to order How to order
 -Mail Fatfarmer Lind with your order -Mail Fatfarmer Lind with your order
--An employee of New Eden Postal Service will later mail you a quote based on the prices from (all prices are subject to change)+-The price of the shipment will be 400 isk per M3 + docking fee (if there is a docking fee)
--The quote will include a 10% delivery charge 
--You can recieve insurance* for an additional 10% +-You can recieve insurance* for an additional 10% of the total cost
--You can expect your order to be delivered within 24 hours after the quote is agreed upon and payment is recieved (assuming no complications arise) +-You can expect your order to be delivered within 24 hours after the delivery price is agreed upon and payment is recieved (assuming no complications arise)
 -our capacity maxes out at 350,000 m3 -our capacity maxes out at 350,000 m3
-* Insurance covers 100% of the value of the ordered goods if the shipment is lost. New Eden Postal Service holds no responsibility for any uninsured goods that may be lost. The 10% insurance charge does not include the delivery fee. If you buy insurance you will recieve your shipment even if we lose a ship we will go back and pick up your order again +* Insurance covers 100% of the value of the ordered goods if the shipment is lost. New Eden Postal Service holds no responsibility for any uninsured goods that may be lost. The 10% insurance charge does not include the delivery fee. If you buy insurance you will recieve your shipment even if we lose a ship we will go back and pick up your order again. By creating a contract for New Eden Postal Service you are agreeing to the insurance and liability limitations.

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Resources 2015-11-27 08:22:06 Corporation Description
Corporation New Eden Postal Service Member 36
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