Corporation - Description - 2016-01-03 09:39:38 - Live Ticker



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 +$$$ for Mining Operations!
-Solid Corp with an innovative mission statement. We have eyes on the future and are reaching for control of it.+Industrial/Mining Support
-We are an active group that tends to play at a casual pace. easy to get along with, not interested in griefing newer players. we're new pilot friendly.+Join now!
-mostly industrial but need security forces.+Recently rejuvanated Corp.
 +Easy to get along with, not interested in griefing newer players. we're new pilot friendly.
 +mostly industrial but security forces are good in High Sec and NECESSARRY in low sec!
 +We'll be gaining Orca support in the near future, and working toward POS functionability.
 +Those involved with Mining Ops are given competitive payment options.
-join our channel to talk with us! >> Mons.T.E.R.S.+Contact Ender WlGGlN with questions.

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Resources 2016-01-03 09:39:38 Corporation Description
Corporation Olympus Mons.T.E.R.S. Member 12
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