Corporation - Description - 2009-10-11 14:58:26 - Live Ticker



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-Join our channel XBG-Public to get more info. 
-Once XBG, Always XBG... You can never shake that off!! 
-We are a small group of friends who have gotten together and made a corp for fun. We have a variety of positions open for just about anything you can do in EvE. You can join up and help decide in the direction of -=XBG=- or sit back and relax with PVE, PVP or even Industry.  
-We are looking for hard core pvper's, also looking for exp miners. If you fit the bill and think you have the mantel then come to Uesuro - Lai Dai station and apply. 
-We even have 0.0 access for those ppl that wish a lil more extreme combat with bigger pvp battles or to just simply bounce from belt to belt collecting those 1 mil isk bounties or larger. 
-We have a wide variety of BPO's so if you would like to make an investment in your own ship ranging from frigates to battleships, then feel free to build what you want. 
-We're also looking for those combat oriented pilots that wish to do some justice of their own and lead a group of pvp pilots to from one battlefield to another. 
-We are also for hire in regards to moving large amounts of items to removing pos's from that desired position you wish to place yours. 
-Convo Astra Budro or Anndy for details. 
-Fly safe and have fun... 

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Resources 2009-10-11 14:58:26 Corporation Description
Alliance Frater Adhuc Excessum Member 0
Corporation Praetorian BlackGuard Member 8
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