Corporation - Description - 2009-10-13 14:33:16 - Live Ticker



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 Ascension Manufacturing Recruiting!! Ascension Manufacturing Recruiting!!
 Player friendly corp looking for a few extra folks. We are a fun bunch looking to help you on your way to becoming experienced enough to either move on to other things or maintain a permanent spot in the corp.  Player friendly corp looking for a few extra folks. We are a fun bunch looking to help you on your way to becoming experienced enough to either move on to other things or maintain a permanent spot in the corp.
 Who we are seeking: Who we are seeking:
 New players interested in mining, missions, and industry. New players interested in mining, missions, and industry.
 Active players - no trial accounts. Active players - no trial accounts.
 No SP minimums. No SP minimums.
 Mature and easy going. Mature and easy going.
 Positive standings. Positive standings.
 If you are new to the game and need a place to get oriented to the world of Eve look no further.  If you are new to the game and need a place to get oriented to the world of Eve look no further.
-Access to PVP and low sec through the Elite Trade Group Alliance. 
 Feel free to send a message to Aasha Feel free to send a message to Aasha
 Join the recruiting channel ASCN M for more details. Join the recruiting channel ASCN M for more details.

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Resources 2009-10-13 14:33:16 Corporation Description
Corporation Ascension Manufacturing Member 1
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