Alliance - Description - 2016-01-20 10:07:42 - Live Ticker



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 The term "slacker" is used to refer to a person who habitually avoids work. Slackers may be regarded as belonging to an antimaterialistic counterculture, though in some cases their behavior may be due to apathy or laziness. The term "slacker" is used to refer to a person who habitually avoids work. Slackers may be regarded as belonging to an antimaterialistic counterculture, though in some cases their behavior may be due to apathy or laziness.
 Laid back alliance of core industrialists just trying to making it big with as little possible work applied. Friends in high places.  Laid back alliance of core industrialists just trying to making it big with as little possible work applied. Friends in high places.
 Alliance recruitment is open to friends! :) Alliance recruitment is open to friends! :)
 Contact Galenmar for any questions.  Contact Galenmar for any questions.
-Public alliance channel is "Yawn..." +Public alliance channel is The S.S.
 Bombers Bar, Purpetrator, and Spectre fleet supporters and participants!! Bombers Bar, Purpetrator, and Spectre fleet supporters and participants!!

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Resources 2016-01-20 10:07:42 Alliance Description
Alliance Successful Slackers Member 0
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