Corporation - Description - 2016-02-04 08:53:53 - Live Ticker



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 Red Phoenix Rising is a friendly and supportive 0.0 corp that focusses on Industry and PvE. We maintain a standing fleets that cover everything from mining and anomolies to some occasional PvP. Red Phoenix Rising is a friendly and supportive 0.0 corp that focusses on Industry and PvE. We maintain a standing fleets that cover everything from mining and anomolies to some occasional PvP.
-RPR is now looking to expand its operations by welcoming both old and new pilots - no matter what profession, level of experience or timezone. We invite anyone interested to join into our public channel (RPR Public) to find out more. 
--= What We Offer =- 
-â–º New Player Friendly 
-â–º Access to Several Null Sec Systems 
-â–º Mining and PvE Boosts, including support from Foreman Links 
 +COO: Icarus Chelien
-â–º Orca-supported Mining Ops+Director: Tuppy
-â–º Corp Buy-Back programme 
-â–º Upgraded facilities for Manufacturing, Research and Invention 
-â–º Rare Ores and Ice Mining 
-â–º Small Gang and Alliance Fleet PVP 
-â–º No Skillpoint Requirement 

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Resources 2016-02-04 08:53:53 Corporation Description
Alliance Alternate Allegiance Member 4
Corporation Red Phoenix Rising Member 414
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