Corporation - Description - 2016-02-10 08:03:18 - Live Ticker



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-We are a corporation with emphasis on Industry and isk making in general. +We are a corporation with emphasis on Industry and isk making in general.
-That does not mean that we do not to PVP. +That does not mean that we do not do PVP.
-We value individual freedom above everything else in this game so ultimately you can fit whatever role you want. Some of the many advantages of joining our corp is : 
--Very low tax rate. (Tax money goes to corp infrastructure and fleet ships) 
 +We value individual freedom above everything else in this game so
 +ultimately you can fit whatever role you want.
 +Some of the many advantages of our corp is :
 +-Very low tax rate.
--Reprocessing and Industrial Facilities. +-Reprocessing and Industrial Facilities
--0% tax rates at Custom Offices owned by us. +-0% Tax rate at Customs Offices owned by us
--Guaranteed purchase of ores/minerals at highest Jita buy-price for whoever wants to sell it right away in our corp trade hubs. 
--A ship re-imbursement program which helps the miners replace their lost ships. 
--Ships are provided by the Corporation in the event that we have a fleet. 
 +-Ore/Mining deals
 +-A Ship Replacement Program to help sustain unfortunate losses
 +-No minimal skillpoints required to join
--Various help for new players ranging from simple information to financial help. +-Various help for new players ranging from directions to financial support
--No minimal skillpoints required to join.  
-We have minimal requirements and they are as follows : +We have minimal requirements and they are as follows :
--Full Access API Key +-Full Access API Key
--TeamSpeak 3 (Only required for fleets, mic or no mic) +-TeamSpeak 3 (Only required for fleets, mic or no mic)
-Interested in joining? Have a look at our Application Form  
 +Diplomacy & Recruitment @ T-SPA Public

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Resources 2016-02-10 08:03:18 Corporation Description
Corporation Territorial Space Member 1
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