- | Heeeeeeeeeyooooooo, are you still looking for a corp to join? We enjoy the social aspect of the game, so there's always someone to talk to on our TS server. We are mostly in the NA tz but have some in EU tz. We consider ourselves Browncoats; not in a way that we disregard or oppose authority, but the way we embrace autonomy while still being a part of a larger entity. | |
- | Are you looking for a chill, laid back corp? Well Panda Expess Inc. may be for you!!! We are a small corp for people who hate the drama associated with bigger corps. So if you're tired of petty arguments that stop you from enjoying the game.... Come join us! | + | Greetings Pilot, |
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- | Currently, the corp resides in the south eastern portion of catch. We as a corp are responsible for our own system there. We get all the ratting sites, cosmic sigs, and mining belts to ourselves! As of right now, we are trying to increase our numbers with like-minded individuals. We are looking for PvP/PvE and indy pilots who are interested in flying in nullsec and making lots of iskies! | + | Here at Panda Express Inc, we are always looking for the best pilots EVE has to offer. We consider ourselves Browncoats; not in a way that we disregard or oppose authority, but the way we embrace autonomy while still being a part of a larger entity. You don't have to be the best though. Just have the desire to get there. We'll take brand new pilots and veterans from EVE launch, we want all shapes and sorts flying with us. We aren't the typical corporation. Each pilot brings their own style which we include into our corp. |
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- | If you are interested, you can reach us at our recruitment channel at Panda Express Inc . Our only requirement is a full api key | |
- | , other than that, we will not force you to participate in anything you don't want to. In fact, that's why we formed our lil group of people, we hated being told what to do. Real life always comes first. | + | You might be asking, what does Panda Express Inc. do? We do everything we can! We encourage all aspects of EVE to be explored and experienced; so we have pilots running everything from Incursions to Wormhole Exploration and Combat to Mining. We are incredibly social and enjoy doing group operations. So if you enjoy playing EVE and having a some good company along for the ride, check us out on our pubic channel, Panda Express Inc. If you like what you see there, talk to one of our recruiters. Ciel Phant, Flint Emerald or Sharpe Naskingar. One of these fine pilots will give you a rundown and be able to help you out. |
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- | What we offer: | + | We only have two rules in Panda. Real life comes first and have fun with the game. After all, we are just playing a game! |
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- | - Mining ops/ Industry | + | o7 |
- | - Exploration | |
- | - Small gang PvP in WH, Lowsec, Nullsec | |
- | - Fun, relaxed environment | |
- | - TeamSpeak server | + | Sharpe Naskingar |
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- | If you're interested, contact one of our recruiters: Ciel Phant Flint EmeraId Sharpe Naskingar | |
- | or join our public channel: Panda Express Inc | |