Alliance - Description - 2016-02-15 23:00:44 - Live Ticker



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 â€œWspace exploration, pvp, siege, and denial.” The first three are all obvious, but what is denial? Denial is when you don’t undock because I’m in local with you. Denial is all your sites being gone after downtime. Denial is the member who decided to not join you. Denial is rolling your chain because your scout saw the SSC tag. Denial is knowing, deep down, that you’re not choosing how you’re going to play. Ultimately, it means that your gameplay is not yours any more. We’re the ones in control. â€œWspace exploration, pvp, siege, and denial.” The first three are all obvious, but what is denial? Denial is when you don’t undock because I’m in local with you. Denial is all your sites being gone after downtime. Denial is the member who decided to not join you. Denial is rolling your chain because your scout saw the SSC tag. Denial is knowing, deep down, that you’re not choosing how you’re going to play. Ultimately, it means that your gameplay is not yours any more. We’re the ones in control.
-Axloth Okiah 
-Kazon Necht  

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Resources 2016-02-15 23:00:44 Alliance Description
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