Corporation - Description - 2016-02-19 08:31:16 - Live Ticker



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 Midwest Mining and Exploration is a small, non PVP centric corporation whos main goal is primarily growing and delevloping skills to prosper through mining and exploration.  Midwest Mining and Exploration is a small, non PVP centric corporation whos main goal is primarily growing and delevloping skills to prosper through mining and exploration.
-- Low 1.9% tax +- Low 2.9% tax
 - New pilot friendly - New pilot friendly
 - We Mine primarily in mid, high, null sec areas - We Mine primarily in mid, high, null sec areas
 - RL first policy - RL first policy
 - Casual atmosphere - Casual atmosphere
 - Orca boosts - Orca boosts
 - Lvl3-Lvl4 Missioning - Lvl3-Lvl4 Missioning
 - Small gang pvp - Small gang pvp
 - Null Sec access - Null Sec access
 Apply to join us today! Apply to join us today!

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Resources 2016-02-19 08:31:16 Corporation Description
Alliance United Systems of Aridia Member 0
Corporation Midwest Mining and Exploration Member 6
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