Corporation - Description - 2009-10-31 16:30:05 - Live Ticker



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 The Northen brotherhood was founded on a wing of death as the brothers gathered. unfortunatly their first attempts floundered due to poor leadership and arrogent men. but the surviving brothers gather once more as they come to claim what is rightfully theirs. "if i can call you my brother and you call me your's then we shall no longer be bound by the limitations of life but be angels to men and gods to the universe"-grandmaster Rockafella93 (founder of the brotherhood) The Northen brotherhood was founded on a wing of death as the brothers gathered. unfortunatly their first attempts floundered due to poor leadership and arrogent men. but the surviving brothers gather once more as they come to claim what is rightfully theirs. "if i can call you my brother and you call me your's then we shall no longer be bound by the limitations of life but be angels to men and gods to the universe"-grandmaster Rockafella93 (founder of the brotherhood)
-5mill SP requirment 
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Resources 2009-10-31 16:30:05 Corporation Description
Alliance Code Of Honor Corp Alliance Member 0
Corporation The Northen Brotherhood Member 0
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