Corporation - Description - 2016-02-29 08:36:09 - Live Ticker



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 Raging Main Builds everything from T1/T2 Modules to Frigates and Cap Ships. Our passion is to build so others may destroy. Looking for something unique that few others build? Then we probably build it! That includes Citadel Kits, and every level of upgrade that requires the skill, Outost Construction Lvl 5  Raging Main Builds everything from T1/T2 Modules to Frigates and Cap Ships. Our passion is to build so others may destroy. Looking for something unique that few others build? Then we probably build it! That includes Citadel Kits, and every level of upgrade that requires the skill, Outost Construction Lvl 5
 Are you a casual Miner or industrialist that has those pesky RL responsibilities? You might find a home with us. Are you a casual Miner or industrialist that has those pesky RL responsibilities? You might find a home with us.
 Are you a Corp / Alliance looking for discrete services (ie; High Value Hauling, High volume BPC copy, or any other Indy/Logistical services? Contact us. When we say we can do something, we let our results speak for themselves. Are you a Corp / Alliance looking for discrete services (ie; High Value Hauling, High volume BPC copy, or any other Indy/Logistical services? Contact us. When we say we can do something, we let our results speak for themselves.
-Interested in including us in your coalition, Blue status? Contact chmeee kzin +Interested in including us in your coalition, Blue status? Contact chmeee kzin or Ruland
-Prospective Members: *Corp Recruiting Closed until Feb 29, 2016* +Prospective Members: *** Recruiting Open***
 Full API, No Expiration  Full API, No Expiration
 Proud Member of Bullets Bombs and Blondes  Proud Member of Bullets Bombs and Blondes
 Trade issues or Asset Divestment: K Diamond  Trade issues or Asset Divestment: K Diamond
-Diplo: chmeee kzin +Diplo: chmeee kzin or Ruland
-*New Website and Forums up at the end of February* +Use External Browser ( Mozilla, Chrome, etc. )
 Rum guzzlers and Cigar smokers get an automatic +1 Rum guzzlers and Cigar smokers get an automatic +1

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Resources 2016-02-29 08:36:09 Corporation Description
Alliance Bullets Bombs and Blondes Member 10
Corporation Raging Main Member 4
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