Corporation - Description - 2009-11-03 16:20:00 - Live Ticker



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-Licat volaré si superturgum Aquila volat. +--Licat volaré si superturgum Aquila volat.
-Any man can fly if he rides on the back of an eagle +--Any man can fly if he rides on the back of an eagle
 Srep is: Srep is:
 *Curently looking into expansion of productions *Curently looking into expansion of productions
 *Self-sufficiency is the goal *Self-sufficiency is the goal
 *In need of members who specialize in mineral procurement *In need of members who specialize in mineral procurement
 *Loads of promotional benifits *Loads of promotional benifits
 *Low lvl and Experienced players welcome *Low lvl and Experienced players welcome
 We are always looking for new members, we do a bit of everything... We are always looking for new members, we do a bit of everything...
-join channel: SREP 

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Resources 2009-11-03 16:20:00 Corporation Description
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