Alliance - Description - 2016-03-01 10:02:31 - Live Ticker



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 +Contact: Taylor Swiift
 +[10:39:23] CCP Logibro Taylor Swiift y u no CCP tag?
 +[10:39:36] Taylor Swiift CCP Logibro will you vouch me?
 +[10:22:47] CCP Mimic Taylor Swiift I had a dream last night that TS was in Rvk (saw it in the newspaper) and was all "I have to tell SuiMe!"
- EVE Online 
- New Eden is down for maintenance 
- The EVE Universe is currently offline for maintenance which will make the world a better place for everyone. 
- This maintenance includes dusting the cobwebs from the Emperor Family Monument in Amarr, changing the bulbs on traffic control lights at the Perimeter – Jita stargate, cleanup of cloned mercenary biomass in Molden Heath and the introduction of twelve new flavors of donuts to the CONCORD worktime duty menu in Yulai. 
- Downtime is scheduled to run from 09:00 – 14:00 UTC.+[10:39:41] CCP Logibro > Yes
- For live information on how downtime is progressing, please see the EVE Status and Dust Status twitter accounts at the links below. 
- EVE Status 
- DUST Status 
 +[08:56:42] CCP Mimic > Hi Taytay
 +[11:27:36] CCP Fozzie Taylor Swiift <3
 +[15:25:11] CCP Logibro Taylor Swiift is a p cool and doesn't afraid of no ex-boyfriends.
 +[11:27:36] CCP Fozzie Taylor Swiift <3
 +[11:16:12] CCP Nullarbor > o/ taylor swift, big fan ;)
 +[13:32:54] CCP Manifest > Taylor Swift you play EVE? OMG.
 +[09:55:45] CCP Mimic Taylor Swiift I like you more than the real Tay Tay :)

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Resources 2016-03-01 10:02:31 Alliance Description
Alliance Taylor Swift Empire Member 21
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