Alliance - Description - 2016-03-01 10:04:04 - Live Ticker



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 +The name reflects old lore from the american Hobo, a traveler, wandrer , often poor, and dirty guy traveling from place to place seeking out work. Now the hobo often had some kind of background from some sort of industry often from the railroads, mills. He was not afraid of work, not for a meal, and always had a good tale to tell. He was free in mind and spirit, went where he wanted, with whom he wanted, when ever he wanted. The nikcname or the "moniker" as they would say of a hobo that was indeed a good man at hart, would be like "A Number One" In this sentence we call the alliance "A number One " as we're all free individuals, and the main rule shoud be "Do what you want, when ever you want, and with whoom you want" and let's help eachother build a nice alliance to be in and have fun.
- EVE Online 
- +Diplomatic issues plz contact
- New Eden is down for maintenance 
- The EVE Universe is currently offline for maintenance which will make the world a better place for everyone. 
- This maintenance includes dusting the cobwebs from the Emperor Family Monument in Amarr, changing the bulbs on traffic control lights at the Perimeter – Jita stargate, cleanup of cloned mercenary biomass in Molden Heath and the introduction of twelve new flavors of donuts to the CONCORD worktime duty menu in Yulai. 
- Downtime is scheduled to run from 09:00 – 14:00 UTC. 
- For live information on how downtime is progressing, please see the EVE Status and Dust Status twitter accounts at the links below. 
- EVE Status 
- DUST Status 

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Resources 2016-03-01 10:04:04 Alliance Description
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