Alliance - Description - 2016-03-01 10:04:39 - Live Ticker



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 +"When spiders unite they can tie down a lion."
 +Nach diesem Äthiopischen Sprichwort operieren wir im Low und Highsec. Seien es nun die Mining Flotten die die Asteroiden ganzer Systeme in die Knie zwingen, die Missionsflotten
 +die Piratenarmaden den gar aus machen oder die PvP Flotten die unser Gebiet verteidigen. Jeder der unser Gift in seinen Adern spürt steht in lähmender Ohnmacht vor dem Jäger.
 +Was bieten wir:
 +* TS3 Server + Forum
 +* Regelmäßigige PVE und PVP events
 +* Freundliche Atmosphäre
 +* Lehrgänge und Ausbildungen verschiedenster Art
 +* Eine Gemeinschaft die zusammen auf ein Ziel hinarbeitet
 +* Orca boost
 +Was müsst ihr mitbringen:
- EVE Online+* Teamgeist
 +* TS aktivität (im low pflicht)
 +* Spaß an den vielen Facetten des Spieles
- +Wir forden keine Steuern oder sonstiges sondern finanzieren uns durch gemeinsame Aktionen. Haben wir euer Interesse geweckt? dann schreibt uns eine Mail oder sucht das persönliche Gespräch.
- +Diplo Kontakt:
 +Executor: Evan Raven
 +Public: Lycosidae Pub
- +"When spiders unite they can tie down a lion"
- +we're operating in low and highsec using a NBSI policy. Our mining fleets leave whole systems oreless, Not one NPC pirate is able to escape our mission runners and our pvp pilots use deadly force to defend our home territory. Anyone feeling our venom in their veins is cowering defenseless in the face of the predator.
 +We offer:
 +* TS3 + Forum
 +* PvE and PvP events
- New Eden is down for maintenance+* Friendly climate
 +* pvp/pve and industrial training
 +* together we're working to achieve our goals
 +* Orca boost
- The EVE Universe is currently offline for maintenance which will make the world a better place for everyone.+What we want from you:
 +* team spirit
 +* using the ts frequently
 +* enjoying the game ;)
- This maintenance includes dusting the cobwebs from the Emperor Family Monument in Amarr, changing the bulbs on traffic control lights at the Perimeter – Jita stargate, cleanup of cloned mercenary biomass in Molden Heath and the introduction of twelve new flavors of donuts to the CONCORD worktime duty menu in Yulai. 
- Downtime is scheduled to run from 09:00 – 14:00 UTC. 
- For live information on how downtime is progressing, please see the EVE Status and Dust Status twitter accounts at the links below.+We don't want any taxes and try to fund the alliance through events and donations. If you're interested send us a message or join us in our public.
- EVE Status 
- DUST Status 
 +Diplo contact:
 +Executor: Evan Raven
 +Public: Lycosidae Pub

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Resources 2016-03-01 10:04:39 Alliance Description
Alliance Lycosidae Infernalis Member 10
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