Corporation - Description - 2016-03-09 08:01:22 - Live Ticker



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 +Looking for a new and interesting way to discover New Eden? Like exploding? No? Like rocks? Fancy nullsec ratting? Tired of being space-poor or the very least space-lower-income-hard-knocks-life? Then you could always EMBRACE the LIGHT OF Z0RG!
 +The Light of Z0rg as a rogue religious institution has found a home as a member of Goonswarm Federation. Gloriously enough, our arrangements mean that you will not have to take part in alliance or coalition Call To Arms, wars, unless you have desire to get involved, so you can concentrate on one thing: Growing your wallet. If you seek carnage, destruction and war, glorious valhalla shiny and chrome, you can get involved in that as well!
 +Here's what you're getting into:
 +- Start ratting in a semi-safe and mostly secure sovereignty 0.0 system
 +- Access to a large jumpbridge network that will take you interesting places, where you can meet all sorts of space-psychopaths
 +- Generous Ore Buyback Program based on Jita prices!
 +- Use an amazingly reliable JUMP-FREIGHTING service to get your goods to empire and to bring equipment back out
 +- If Space Paranoia is your game: Gain access to alliance wide intel to secure your operations even more
 +- Access to Teamspeak. No dragon-kill points or any annoying voices screaming at you what to do with your game.
 +- NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It): Engage in target-rich environments. If it's neutral or red, make it dead.
 +- Optional access to coalition jabber and pings for Imperium fleets, so if you want to fly with MIGHTY GOONSWARM, you can get in on that.
 +What you -should- bring:
 +- Probably at least 5M SP, negotiable. Wisdom and Intelligence goes a long way. Smart newbies looking to get into the deep-end of eve are welcome.
 +- Full API key
 +- A High Five
 +- Bad attitude
 +- Terrible choices in music
 +- Childhood trauma
 +- Irrational Hatred of squirrels
 +Leave those things behind and join us. Contact Ichiroh Hemphill or Nicolai Montag for more Information.

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Resources 2016-03-09 08:01:22 Corporation Description
Alliance Goonswarm Federation Member 56041
Corporation Light of Z0RG Member 23
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