Corporation - Description - 2016-03-20 13:23:09 - Live Ticker



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 +Do you like badly written sci-fi literature where everyone is constantly drunk? Then you'll love Sic Semper Omnis, the story of a resurgent Earth in the far-future and the first interstellar craft to plumb the dark skies above, where long forgotten remnants of an empire past rear their ugly heads and dream of the apocalypse to come. Our heroes, such as they are, consist of the ship's creator, the panicky but brilliant Artisan, Jon Anthony, it's pilot, the perpetually intoxicated and crotchety Miranda Faust, and Horatio, a robot!
-The Van Newkirk family motto: Death to All.+It's wildly unpopular!

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Resources 2016-03-20 13:23:09 Corporation Description
Corporation Dylan Van Newkirk Member 5
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