Corporation - Description - 2009-11-21 16:00:26 - Live Ticker



Old New
 We refer you to the following movements: We refer you to the following movements:
 I bring you tents to this homegrown range... I bring you tents to this homegrown range...
 We elevate to that next state, motion divine, We elevate to that next state, motion divine,
 Knowledge and understanding, Knowledge and understanding,
 You fools cant recruit us,.  You fools cant recruit us,.
 +If youd like to join your required to give limited API key,
 +You must be over 18
 +You must have a microphone for fleet ops
 +You should have at least 6mil SP.
-PVP/0.0/lo/hi/war/Exploration +PVP:0.0/lo/hi/WAR & Exploration
 +Available for hire
 Public: lom.public Public: lom.public
 +cONTACT: zapodantprodic

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Resources 2009-11-21 16:00:26 Corporation Description
Alliance Dark Matter Consortium. Member 0
Corporation Legion of Mars Member 3
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