Corporation - Description - 2009-11-22 15:59:19 - Live Ticker



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 We refer you to the following movements: We refer you to the following movements:
-I bring you tents to this homegrown range... +I bring you tents to this homegrown range.
-We elevate to that next state, motion divine, +We elevate to that next state, motion divine,
-Knowledge and understanding, +Knowledge and understanding..
-You fools cant recruit us,.  
 If youd like to join your required to give limited API key, If youd like to join your required to give limited API key,
-You must be over 18 
 You must have a microphone for fleet ops You must have a microphone for fleet ops
-You should have at least 6mil SP. 
 PVP:0.0/lo/hi/WAR & Exploration PVP:0.0/lo/hi/WAR & Exploration
 Available for hire Available for hire
 Public: lom.public Public: lom.public
-cONTACT: zapodantprodic 

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Resources 2009-11-22 15:59:19 Corporation Description
Alliance Dark Matter Consortium. Member 0
Corporation Legion of Mars Member 3
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API J:27 Mar 11:50 K:27 Mar 11:55 C:27 Mar 12:29 A:27 Mar 12:30 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 12:28 S:27 Mar 11:51 W:27 Mar 12:15