| | | |
| ??We are relentless | | ??We are relentless |
| ??PvP Corporation | | ??PvP Corporation |
| ??0.0 Outer Ring Region | | ??0.0 Outer Ring Region |
| ??High-End Ore's available in our 0.0 space | | ??High-End Ore's available in our 0.0 space |
| ??Carrier and Dreadnought ship production | | ??Carrier and Dreadnought ship production |
| ??Carrier and Dreadnought Ship Replacement | | ??Carrier and Dreadnought Ship Replacement |
| ??PvP Ship Replacement Program | | ??PvP Ship Replacement Program |
| ??You may join our PvP Operations on a daily basis | | ??You may join our PvP Operations on a daily basis |
| ??Help us to build a new corporation | | ??Help us to build a new corporation |
| ??Ventrilo Server | | ??Ventrilo Server |
| ??http://1101-k.eve-tools.net | | ??http://1101-k.eve-tools.net |
| | | |
- | ??Recruitment Status: OPEN
| + | ??Recruitment Status: Invite only
| ??6.000.000 SP minimum requirement | | ??6.000.000 SP minimum requirement |
| ??Carrier and Dreadnought pilots receive special benefits | | ??Carrier and Dreadnought pilots receive special benefits |
| ??Submit limited API key and User ID into the application form | | ??Submit limited API key and User ID into the application form |
| ??http://www.eveonline.com/api/doc | | ??http://www.eveonline.com/api/doc |
| | | |
| ??Ingame Contact: | | ??Ingame Contact: |
| ??Keep Killer | | ??Keep Killer |
| ??Ivlegod | | ??Ivlegod |
| ??Mickalus | | ??Mickalus |
| ??VonZeppelin | | ??VonZeppelin |
| | | |
| ??Offices in Empire Space: | | ??Offices in Empire Space: |
| ??Osmeden III - Federal Administration Information Center | | ??Osmeden III - Federal Administration Information Center |
| ??Gulfonodi VIII - Moon 15 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Mineral Reserve | | ??Gulfonodi VIII - Moon 15 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Mineral Reserve |
| | | |
| ??Offices in 0.0 Space: | | ??Offices in 0.0 Space: |
| ??4C-B7X V - Moon 7 - Chemal Tech Factory | | ??4C-B7X V - Moon 7 - Chemal Tech Factory |