Corporation - Description - 2009-11-28 17:10:56 - Live Ticker



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 - Paradigm Council is a broad-based, collaborative, and community-driven corporation. The council was founded by several EVE friends and veterans. The corporation as a whole is a cohesive force of players based in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. We welcome any players, new or old that are interested in joining, our ultimate obligations are to each other, although we endeavor to always to provide advice, guidance and friendly support to all players and pilots. Pvp is our primary goal and entertainment, while we seek to explore and network our way around the universe of EvE. In time we aim to shape the world of EvE in some small way thereby creating a unique place for ourselves to call home.  - Paradigm Council is a broad-based, collaborative, and community-driven corporation. The council was founded by several EVE friends and veterans. The corporation as a whole is a cohesive force of players based in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. We welcome any players, new or old that are interested in joining, our ultimate obligations are to each other, although we endeavor to always to provide advice, guidance and friendly support to all players and pilots. Pvp is our primary goal and entertainment, while we seek to explore and network our way around the universe of EvE. In time we aim to shape the world of EvE in some small way thereby creating a unique place for ourselves to call home.
 Contacts... Contacts...
-U.K. recruitment ...... ajc , batmorpheous +U.K. recruitment ...... ajc , batmorpheous
 U.S.A. recruitment ... darthaniel, astasinou U.S.A. recruitment ... darthaniel, astasinou
-Australian recruitment .. chris starfire +Australian recruitment .. chris starfire
 +genral contact and diplomat .. titus loken
 Public Chat: Paradigm Ltd. Public Chat: Paradigm Ltd.

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Resources 2009-11-28 17:10:56 Corporation Description
Corporation Paradigm Council Member 1
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