Corporation - Description - 2016-04-30 14:00:35 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Lone Star Warriors are a Global competative corporation. We span out into different aspects of EVE, from mining, missions and manufacturing to PvP. We have players from all over the world, and has recently opened its doors for recruitment. Lone Star Warriors are a Global competative corporation. We span out into different aspects of EVE, from mining, missions and manufacturing to PvP. We have players from all over the world, and has recently opened its doors for recruitment.
 We are now recruiting mature, competent pilots into a medium, relaxed but organized, corp of friendly veterans. Active 23/7. We are now recruiting mature, competent pilots into a medium, relaxed but organized, corp of friendly veterans. Active 23/7.
 Requirements Requirements
 â–¬ you are active (no specific times)? â–¬ you are active (no specific times)?
 â–¬ you have at least 5mil SP? â–¬ you have at least 5mil SP?
 â–¬ you are willing to learn  â–¬ you are willing to learn
 â–¬ you can at least fly a tech 1 battlecruiser/cruiser â–¬ you can at least fly a tech 1 battlecruiser/cruiser
 â–¬ You can at least fly a mining barge â–¬ You can at least fly a mining barge
 â–¬ you have discipline and love to act as a Team with others? â–¬ you have discipline and love to act as a Team with others?
 â–¬ you are not a Pirate and you don't talk crap in local? â–¬ you are not a Pirate and you don't talk crap in local?
 â–¬ you are able to use Vent/TS3 and be active on it? â–¬ you are able to use Vent/TS3 and be active on it?
 Offering: Offering:
 â–¬ Daily Operations and Roaming fleets available â–¬ Daily Operations and Roaming fleets available
 â–¬ Ore Buy Program â–¬ Ore Buy Program
 â–¬ Teamspeak 3 Server for communication â–¬ Teamspeak 3 Server for communication
 â–¬ Corporation Forum and Killboard â–¬ Corporation Forum and Killboard
 â–¬ Offer a Mining Barge Loan programme, you mine your barge back. â–¬ Offer a Mining Barge Loan programme, you mine your barge back.
 - FOC Ammo and Mining Crystals and Skill Books. - FOC Ammo and Mining Crystals and Skill Books.
 We are a NRDS CORP Base In the Providence Region and support Aims of the Providence Alliances. We are a NRDS CORP Base In the Providence Region and support Aims of the Providence Alliances.
 What we don't need What we don't need
 â–¬ Ragekids â–¬ Ragekids
 â–¬ Solo Kings â–¬ Solo Kings
 â–¬ Smacktards â–¬ Smacktards
 â–¬ SPIES â–¬ SPIES
 If Interested Please Contact Tamar Finon If Interested Please Contact Tamar Finon
 +Lone Star Warriors Public Channel, is were you can come to chat and speak to the pilots if interested.

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Resources 2016-04-30 14:00:35 Corporation Description
Alliance Yulai Federation Member 3
Corporation Lone Star Warriors Member 57
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