Corporation - Description - 2009-12-06 06:05:33 - Live Ticker



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 low taxes, zero drama and drunken lowsec piracy between sessions of carebear stares. bok bok B'GAAAAAK low taxes, zero drama and drunken lowsec piracy between sessions of carebear stares. bok bok B'GAAAAAK
-we have noobs to 70mil skillpoint pilots.  
-what we offer;  
-we know more than everything so all of your questions will be answered.  
-we kill people powered graphics, we kill computer controlled graphics, we take none of it seriously and can show u how to do all that snazzy business without being caught up in some online soap opera 
-a lot of drunken cursing and story telling(BS sessions) 
-we can build stuff and mine rocks n gas n moons but don't bother with that because it detracts from killing stuff. however, if u want to know which skills to train to become the best mass producing single man factory in the eve universe, we can tell you 
-we have many personal alliance contacts floatin out in most corners of 0.0 if that is ur ultimate destination 
-probably the best stepping stone corp in the game due to our contacts and lack of drama.  
-regardless of what u do or want to do, u may find the chickens a satisfying home because we're the coolest people i know 
-currently recruiting through Gyng IV - Trust Partners 

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Resources 2009-12-06 06:05:33 Corporation Description
Corporation Rebel Chicken Ranchers Association Member 4
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