Corporation - Description - 2009-12-12 06:07:34 - Live Ticker



Old New
 A dream of flying in space, A dream of flying in space,
 a dream of working together, a dream of working together,
 a dream of conquest, a dream of conquest,
 the realisation: the realisation:
 MultiStar MultiStar
 MultiStar Mining & Industry is a corporation for veteran as well as rookie miners who want to help in making this corporation greater and achieve personal greatness in the progress. MultiStar Mining & Industry is a corporation for veteran as well as rookie miners who want to help in making this corporation greater and achieve personal greatness in the progress.
 Our low sec territories are currently being fought over and are unavailable for the time being. Our low sec territories are currently being fought over and are unavailable for the time being.
 Based in: Based in:
 -High security (0.5-1.0) -High security (0.5-1.0)
--Low security (0.0-0.4) - Temporarily out of reach +-Low security (0.1-0.4)
--Zero security (0.0) - Temporarily out of reach 
-(separate departments and headquarters) 
 Main occupations: Main occupations:
 -Hauling -Hauling
 -Manufacturing -Manufacturing
 -Mining -Mining
 -Mission running -Mission running
 -Refining -Refining
-New recruits will get basic training in PVP so they can defend themselves during wars and in lower security levels. (This is not optional)+New members will recieve basic pvp training in order to defend our corporation and themselves in times of war.
 +This is not optional.
 If you are interested in more PVP, just join our PVP department: MultiStar Defensive Unit If you are interested in more PVP, just join our PVP department: MultiStar Defensive Unit
 +[This option is currently unavailable, if you want to do pvp, you can join our alliance corp: U.N.I.O.N]
 Requirements: Requirements:
 - Members must have positive standing with both Caldari State and Amarr Empire and a positive security rating! - Members must have positive standing with both Caldari State and Amarr Empire and a positive security rating!
 - Members must have finished all the tutorials. - Members must have finished all the tutorials.
 All of our members are very active players and no inactivity longer than 1 month will be appreciated without good reasons. All of our members are very active players and no inactivity longer than 1 month will be appreciated without good reasons.
 Apply at our high sec headquarters: Apply at our high sec headquarters:
 Tintoh V - Moon 5 - SukuuVestaa Corporation Warehouse Tintoh V - Moon 5 - SukuuVestaa Corporation Warehouse
 For more info: For more info:
 message CompactDisc7227 for corp matters. message CompactDisc7227 for corp matters.
 join "MultiStar Public" join "MultiStar Public"

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Resources 2009-12-12 06:07:34 Corporation Description
Alliance Smokin' Guns Member 0
Corporation MultiStar Mining and Industry Member 0
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